Volltext: Ceramic art : a report on pottery, porcelain, tiles, terracotta and brick, with a table of marks and monograms ...

such as red, purple, blue and lavender, were very even 
and bright, and produced a fine effect. 
Some very good speciihens of majolica were shown by 
this and by the Körstrand establishment, characterized, how- 
ever, by the apparent abundance of oxide of copper, for a 
vivid green was the predominathig color of the glaze. 
The Gustafberg works were established in the year 1826, 
and now einploy about 400 persons and 4 steam-engines, 
with a total of 91 horse-power. Raw materials to the fol- 
lowing amounts were used in the year 1871:— 
40,500 cubic feet of clay, from England ; 
20,000 cubic feet of "fire-stone,” from France ; 
800,000 lbs. of feldspar, from the neighborhood; 
34,000 lbs. of bones, from Sweden; 
24,000 lbs. oxide of lead ; 
22,000 lbs. of borax, from France and England; 
160,000 cubic feet of stove coal; 
700 cubic feet of wood. 
The value of the products reaches the sum of 702,000 rix 
Scveral exhibitions in the Portuguese section give evi- 
denco of the growth of ceramic industry in that country. 
The manufacture of porcelain is carried on at Yista Alegre, 
Aveiro, and at Sacavem, Fisbon. It has long been estab- 
lished at the forrner place, and the products are hold in 
high estimation. Modern imp'rovements have been intro- 
duced, and a variety of artistic and ornamental objects, 
such as vases, statuettes, etc., are manufactured. Pinto 
and Tilho exhibited toilet and tea-sets, apparently modelled 
after British patterns, but without special merit. 
There was considerable ordinary pottery and majolica, 
rather crude in form and coloring, but not uninterest- 
ihg; green and brown coloring predominated. Some red, 
unglazed jugs, from the manufactory of G. Mafra, deserve


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