(Jemand for tkem at tke present time for the same purpose.
An agency was establisked for tkese tiles in Boston a few
years since, and they can now be obtained tbere at a moderate
Yast quantities of tbe Dutch tiles were imported in Eng
land about tbe middle of tbe last Century for fireplaces, but
after tbe discovery of tbe metbod of transferring designs by
printing from paper to eartbenware, about the year 1752, tbe
manufacture of imitations commenced, and tbe demand was in
part supplied by bome-made priuted tiles.
Ancient Tiles—Samarcand.
For tbe exhibition in tbe Russian section, of a suite of tbe
curious enamelled tiles of tbe fourteenth and fifteenth centuries,
from the mosques of Samarcand, we are indebted to tbe Museum
of tbe Society for tbe Encouragement of Arts, at St. Peters
burg. The specimens consisted of capitals, parts of columns
and cornices, and of brickwork and tiles. Tbe tiles or plates
vary in size from 8 X 10 inches to 12 incbes square, and
12 X 16 incbes, and even larger. Tbey are heavily and
boldly incised, so as to form tbe designs to a depth of an inch
or more, and were evidently moulded, probably in cement or
plaster moulds; but some parts of tbe designs, especially
Arabic letters, are undercut, apparently by kand-trimming
after the clay had partly dried. The designs and inscriptions
are all remarkably sharp, and appear as if carved out. Tbe
sections of columns are 15 to 18 incbes long, and 3 incbes in
diameter, half round, witb raised spiral oruamentation. Tbe
principal colors of the enamelling are dark blue, white, light
green and a bluisb green. Light buff-colored bricks were
combined witb short pieces of glazed torquoise blue tile set
between tkem, producing an excellent effect.
Frencii Tiles and Plaques.
In the Erench Section, tbe beautiful mantel by Tb. Deck,
Paris, and the mural tile decoration, by Callinot, were the
chief attractions to be noticed uuder tbe bead of Tiles.
Deck’s mantel, or ratber chimney-piece, of enamelled
eartbenware, is formed of tiles about nine incbes square.