Volltext: Jacob & Josef Kohn, Wien - [Katalog 1885]

Indestructible Iron Screw Leg Joint. 
See page 1. — PATENT HOHN. — See page i. 
Chairs, Armchairs and Sofas with Kohn’s Patent Leg Joints are 
I*T the only Furniture indestructible. 
Those which have their front legs fixed by means of a wooden tennon glued in are defective and not reliable. 
Important for the Export Trade. 
Each piece of furniture with Kohn’s Patent Leg Joints can be taken to pieces entirely and can easily be put 
together without the use of glue by any one. 
furniture with Patent Leg Joints are espeeially adapted for export to the Colonies in eonsequenee of their avoiding the use of glue. 
The Extra Charge for Patent Leg Joints is 6 cents pr. chair, armchair or sofa. 
Üf“ Special, -^jf 
The Seats of our chairs £c> are made out of one piece of wood 
while those of other makers are made out of four pieces of wood which are glued together. 
Mg. 1 
Kohn's Seat made out of one piece 
of wood. 
Fifj. 2 
Other Maker's Seat made out of 4 pieces 
of wood glued together. 
In consequenee of the many spurious manufactures all our goods are branded inside the seat J. & J. KOHN and bear 
our trade mark as under.


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