Volltext: Modern art education, its practical and aesthetic character educationally considered : being part of the Austrian official report on the Vienna world's fair of 1873

The results of drawing in the Teachers’ Seminaries, as seen at 
the Exhibition, gave evidence of an exeellent method of instruction 
in freehand as well as in linear drawing. In the first course, out 
line Ornaments are praeticed witli pencil and pen; in the second 
eourse, geometrical bodies, sliaded, and Ornaments from casts, in 
crayon or India ink ; in the thircl eourse, blackboard-drawing as a 
preparation for practieal teaching. Instruction in geometrical 
drawing is divided between geometrical constructions, projection 
in its application to architecture, &c. Very good work was sliown 
by the Teachers’ Seminaries at Esslingen and at Gmünd, including 
topographical and building drawing. 
In the drawings of the “ Woman’s School” of Stuttgart, the 
careful choice of tasty motives is especially to be emphasized, 
besides their beautiful execution. 
The work by the convicts, shown in good studies from casts, in 
Ornaments in color, machine and linear drawings, &c., also de- 
serves to be mcntioned. 
The Commission for the Industrial Improvement Schools of 
Wurtemberg, as before stated, has rendered very good Service in 
providing for suitable and practical copies. The “Schools” 
edited by E. Herdtle are altogether the best we now liave for the 
first stages of instruction, a fact which is proven by their wide dis- 
semination. Of these “ Schools” we will only mention here the 
“Ornaments of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance” (drawn 
from the Originals by F. H.), on account of their charming motives. 
For special instruction in all the industrial branches, the Commission 
has published a series of copies, which for simplicity and perspicu- 
ity of reprcsentation, as well as for suitable selection of objects, 
leave nothing to be desired. On most of the plates the drawing 
is accompanied by a short explanatory tcxt. 
The “ Copies for Technical Freehand Drawing,” by P. Holder 
(mostly for iron-work), are good, but lack a pronounced style. 
The “ Art of Shading,” bj r C. Riess, contains very beautiful 
Problems in shadows, curves of intensity, &c. Guido Schreiber’s 
“ Studies on Bodies” are also to be recommended for the first 
stages, as showing how plastic objects are to to be represented. 
“ Stereometrical Drawing as a Preparation for Descriptive Geom- 
etry,” by A. Binde, is intended to be used in the transition from


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