Volltext: Wiener Werkstätte : Avantgarde, Art Déco, Industrial Design

Design: Dagobert Peche, around 
Serial number: A I 787/143 
Material(s): violet glass, white overlay, en- 
graved stars 
Height of the design: 23.8 and 23.3 cm, 
height of actual glass: 22.6 cm 
Marks: Unmarked 
Production: Oertel/Haida (1919-1920, 
11 copies) for the WW 
Records: WWMB 62, p. 787; K.l. 12782/21, 
Private collection in Vienna 
A similar decoration with stars was used 
earlier for a confectionery bowl (serial 
number S 3455) dating from 1915 (WWMB 
18, p. 3455). It is interesting that Peche 
actually noted on his design: "I shall be 
glad if the glass otherwise remains quite 
white”, this is followed by the terse com- 
ment in another hand “got stars” 
(K.l. 12782/21). Peche only specified that 
the nodus and base should be lilac. An 
other Variation of this decoration (also 
A I 787/143) had brown interlacing stripes 
enclosing occasional leaf motivs 
(K.l. 12782/28). 
Entwurf: Dagobert Peche, um 1918/19 
Werknummer: M 2810 
Material: lackiertes Blech 
Ausführung: WW (1919) 
Verkaufspreis: K 25,- (März 1919) 
Kaufkraft von K 25,- (1/1919) 
= S 37,97 (3/1984) 
Archivalien: WWMB 37, S. 2810 
Design: Dagobert Peche, around 
Serial number: M 2810 
Material(s): painted sheet metal 
Production: WW (1919) 
Retail price: K 25 (03/19) 
Present equivalent: S 37.97 (03/84) 
Records: WWMB 37, p. 2810 
/ : / ,1 129 129 OBSTSCHALEN Entwurf: Dagobert Peche, um 1918/19 Werknummer: M 2811 Material: lackiertes Blech Ausführung: WW (1919) Verkaufspreis: K 36,- (März 1919) Kaufkraft von K 36,- (1/1919) = S 54,68 (3/1984) Archivalien: WWMB 37, S. 2811 129 FRUIT-BOWLS Design: Dagobert Peche, around 1918/1919 Serial number: M 2811 Material(s): painted sheet metal Production: WW 1919 Retail price: K 36 (03/19) Present equivalent: S 54.68 (03/84) Records: WWMB 37, p. 2811 171


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