Volltext: Mundus Catalogue 1924

Shape ol Seats. Under each design, we indicate the shape of the Seats which 
can be supplied to the various patterns, by the following signs: 
round O oval Q square Q — heart-shaped Q — stirrup shaped Q 
Veneer Seats (waterproof). Nearly all Chairs, Armchairs and Settees illustrated 
in this Catalogue with Cane Seats can, if required, be supplied with wooden 
Seats of various patterns (see illustrations on page 12, 13) and vice-versa. When 
ordering please state clearly the kind of Seat wanted, if Wood Seat, also the 
design required. All wooden Seats and Backs are Waterproof and are not 
affected or damaged by moisture, 
Colour, All our goods are made of Beech-wood and can be supplied in the 
following colours: 
a) without extra Charge: walnut, mahogany or black (ebonised); 
b) with extra Charge (see price list): natural or fancy colours, oak polished 
oright or finished dull imitation antique. 
Braces (see illustration below Fig. 1). Side Braces are indicated by the sign <=X 
and can be fitted to nearly all Chairs for extra cost (see price list). Where 
Chairs are illustrated with Side Braces, the cost of same is included in the 
printed price. 
Iron Braces (see illustration below Fig, 2), are fitted under the Seat Frames and 
can be supplied for any Chairs; for extra cost see price list. 
Strengthening Supports can be supplied as follows {for extra cost see price list): 
a) 4 Bows (see illustration below Fig. 3) indicated by the sign Chairs 
fitted in this manner instead of the ring acquire additional strength, and 
the underpart cannot be used as a footrest. 
b) Patent Support (see illustration below Fig. 4), indicated by a sign ~ 
is another method used instead of a ring and is very effective. 
c) Long Bow Supports (see illustration below Fig. 5). This is another 
method which can be recommended as an improvement on the ring and 
is indicated by the sign T 5 - 
Arm Rests. (Pads on Arms as illustrated below Fig. 6.) All Armchairs, Settees 
and Rockers can be fitted with these; for extra cost see price list. 
Ornamental lops (as illustrated below Fig. 7). Nearly all Chairs, Armchairs 
and Settees can be fitted with Ornamental or Fancy Tops. (For extra cost 
see price list.) 
Turned Backs. Where Chairs etc. are illustrated with Turned Back Legs they 
are made out of one solid piece, contrary to the method usually adopted 
by other Manufacturers who make the turning in short lengths and join 
them together which weakens the Chair. 
Engravings and Gildings. Any Chairs etc. can be supplied with sunk gold lincs. 
(For extra cost see price list.) 
Fitting Up. The Seat and Back of Chairs, Armchairs and Settees are fitted 
together in the following manner, unless specially ordered otherwise: 
a) When supplied fitted up and packed in straw: with 2 Coach Screws. 
b) When supplied dismounted (K. D.) for Export: with 2 bolts and nuts 
with polished heads. The Rings are secured by 4 ordinary wood screws, 
but in place of these 4 small bolts with nuts can be used if preferred 
(for extra cost see price list). Chairs etc. fitted in this manner are 
usually for Export and are referred to when ordering, as »with 6 bolts 
and nuts« (see illustration Fig. 8). — Where Chairs are used in a damp 
or hot climate the nuts should be tightened after being in use a short time. 
Iron t enons (as per illustration below Fig. 9), an improved raethod of streng 
thening the front legs with the seat, instead of wooden tenons. All our 
Chairs can be supplied with Iron Tenons at an extra cost (see price list). 
Packing. The greatest care and attention is given to this department, Our 
goods can be supplied either mounted ready for use and packed in straw 
or dismounted (K, D.) and packed in cases or bales. In the latter way each 
piece is carefully marked and numbered so that skilled labour is not 
necessary to fit the Chairs together. 
Measurements. All dimensions given in the Catalogue must be considered 
approximate — small deviations are unavoidable. 
To avoid errors when ordering please state distinctly the article required, 
number and colour, also shape, pattern and kind of seat (wood or cane) 
In default of distinct indications we supply our goods according to the 
illustrations in our Catalogue. 
Fig. 1 <X 
Fig. 3 ~ 
4 Bows 
4 Ares 
Fig. 4 ^ 
Patent Support 
Cercle-Renfort brevete 
Fig. 5 
Long Bow Supports 
Cintre-renforts ä arcs


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