Volltext: Katalog der Bibliothek des K. K. Österreichischen Museums für Kunst und Industrie, Gruppe XIII: Tonwarenfabrikation (Keramik)

Englische und amerikanische Tonarbeiten 
BARBER, Edwin Atlee. The Pottery and Porcelain 
of the United States. An historical review of 
american Ceramic Art from the earliest times 
to the present day. With 223 Illustrations. 
New-York, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1893. 8°. 
BLASHFIELD, J. M. A Selection ofVases, Statues, 
Busts etc. from Terra-cottas. 105 PI. London 
Weale, 1857. 4 0 . (1164.) 
BURTON, Wfilliam, F. C. S. A History and De- 
scription of English Earthenware, and Stoneware 
(to the beginning of the xgth. Century). Contai- 
ning 24 Plates in Colours, together with Repro- 
ductions of Marks and numerous Illustrations. 
London, Cassell and Comp. Ltd., 1904. 8°. 
( I 3539)- 
CHURCH, A. H. & M. A. OXON. English Earthen 
ware. A Handbook to the Wares made in Eng 
land during the seventeenth and eighteenth 
Centuries as illustrated by specimens in the 
national Collections. With numerous Woodcuts. 
London, Chapman & Hall, 1884. 8°. (10585.) 
ENGLISH Pottery and Porcelain: being a concise 
account of the Development of the Potters Art 
in England. Profusely illustrated. London, „The 
Bazaar“ Office, 1875. 8°. (4681.) 
EXAMPLES of inlaid gothic Tiles, consisting of 
twenty-four Specimens, en gravedin Fac-simile, 
of the Size of the Originals existing in Winche- 
stercathedral, Romsey Abbey Church etc. 
Examples ofencaustic Tiles, consisting of twen-


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