Objekt: Modern art education, its practical and aesthetic character educationally considered : being part of the Austrian official report on the Vienna world's fair of 1873

will then receive due attention, and studios will be provided for 
enamelling, painting upon glass and porcelain, wood-carving, &c. 
The second division of the Exhibition contained the artistic 
publications of the museum, consisting of plaster-casts, galvano- 
plastic reproductions, and photographs, and the art-scientific works 
issued since its establishment. 1 
1 Art-Industrial Museums.—The South Kensington Museum whieh origin- 
ateil in a small way as far back as 1852, having been the first public Institution 
of its kiinl, bas aliuost eclipsed all otlier efforts in tbe same direction; and it 
may tberefore be of interest to glanee at tbe kindred institutions, especially 
of Gennany, vvbicb are rapidly springing up everywbere. Tbe conviction is 
gaining ground more and more, tbat tbese nm-seums are an absolute necessity, 
if German industry is to be able to compete witb tbe indnstry of England and 
of France. That it is still in tbe rear, is freely acknowledged by its best 
friends; and tbe rapid advanees niade by Austrian iudustry, since tbe estab- 
lisbment of tbe Museum of Art and Industry at Vienna, have added a new 
Stimulus to those which were in Operation before. Tbe importanee of tbese 
institutions was also fully recognized by tbe projectors of tbe Vienna World’s 
Fair of 1873. A special group (XXII.) was tberefore organized at this exbibi- 
tion to sbow “ the various methods by which the different modern museums endeav- 
or to carry out the improvement of the general taste of thepeople, and the manner 
in which they promote the art-industry and public Instruction of their countries.” 
The Museum of Art and Industry at Vienna was established in 1864, and 
occupied a jn'ovisional building, until its present building was completed in 
1871, on tbe 4th of November of wbicb year, tbe emperor of Austria performed 
tbe eeremony of laying tbe last stone. Tbe Museum is well endowed by tbe 
state, and bas received a considerable number of donations in money, as well 
as in valuable articles, from tbe emperor and from private parties ; a society 
bas also been formed “for tbe advancement of tbe Art-Industrial School of 
tbe Museum,” whose prineipal aim it is to provide scbolarsbips for poor but 
talented scholars, irrespective of sex, nationality, or religion. Tbe activity of 
tbe Museum, under tbe management of its enthusiastic director, Prof. R. v. 
Eitelberger, is very great. Travetling exbibitions are arranged all over Aus 
tria ; and the regulär leetures of the sebool are supplemented by populär 
lectures given every Thursday evening during tbe winter, admission free. 
Tbe Museum is open to the public, without Charge, on Thursdays, Fridays, 
Saturdays, and Sundays ; on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, an admission fee of 
thirty kreuzers (about twenty Cents) is charged. Artists and workingmen, 
bowever, as well as otbers who desire to use the collections or tbe library for 
practical purposes, are provided with cards, which pass them free even ou 
Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Books may be taken from the library, by giving 
a receipt for tbem. The list of tbe publications of tbe Museum is quite exten 
sive, enibracing books, pbotograpbs, casts, and a monthly journal (now in its 
tenth year) devoted to tbe interests of art and art-industry (subscription four 
florins, or about $1.60, a year). Tbe school connected witb tbe Museum bas 
been in very successful Operation since 1867. 
Tbe first steps towards tbe establishment of tbe German Industrial Museum


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