Volltext: Einige Skizzen, Projekte und ausgeführte Bauwerke von Otto Wagner

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WAGNER, Otto [1841-1918]. Einige Skizzen, Projekte und Ausgeführte 
Bauwerke...Band III [Only]. folio. title in gilt. 55 heliogravure & other plates (some in 
colour). numerous text illus. (some full-page). original cloth (edges worn & frayed, 
several scrapes on front cover, spine detached, flyleaves loose, some plates with 
dampstaining generally confined to margins, occasional light foxing). Vienna. Anton 
Schroll, [1906]. 
First Edition of the third volume of Wagner’s architectural designs, plans and works. 
The others were published in 1889, 1897, and 1922 respectively. Included here are his 
plans for the Stadtbahn in the Karlsplatz, by that time already built, a church in the 
Währing district of Vienna, the church at Steinhof, also completed by then, his entry in 
the competition to design the Peace Palace in the Hague, and some of his plans for the 
Post Office Savings Bank project (most were included in the fourth volume). 
“The first of the pioneering figures of modern architecture, Otto Wagner was 
Professor of Architecture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, a leading member of 
the Vienna Secession, but above all, the designer and creator of modern Vienna. His 
Professional career, which spanned a period of over fifty years, from the middle of the 
nineteenth Century to the eve of the First World War, coincided with a time of radical 
change in the arts throughout Europe, and he was regarded by his contemporaries as a 
revolutionary, whose work heralded a new age in urban-planning and in the concept of 
building design.” (Pintaric, Vienna 1900 The Architecture of Otto Wagner, p. 7)


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