may be designated as very satisfactory. They showed throughout
a thorough comprehension, and a freedpm in the artistic treatment,
which is all the more praiseworthy in view of the short period
of the existence of the sehool. The work of the architectural sec-
tion (linear drawing) must also be called exemplary.
The Real-Schools in general, as has before been said, are still in
want of trained teachers. But, from the results exhibited by the
institutions of Pesth and Ofen, it became evident that these latter
make an exception. The Upper Real-School of the city of Buda-
Pesth must be placed first. The specimens, although specially
selected for the Exhibition, showed a steady, correct course of
instruction, a careful selection of Originals, guided by artistic
knowledge, and a skilful application of technical means. Of linear
drawings there were unfortunately exhibited too many specimens
that gave but little insight into the course of instruction, and into
the method. The drawings, especially those of machinery, were
brilliant, — only too brilliant in color, and of superfluous finish for
The course of instruction at the Royal Upper Real-School is
likewise quite correct; but it appeared somewhat doubtful whether
the specimens exhibited were indeed to be looked upon as results
of instruction, or whether they were only intended to illustrate the
course of instruction. The same is true of geometrical drawing,
which, in accordance with the regulations still in force, comprises
topographical, architectural, and machine drawing. The speei-
mens exhibited were superbly executed, considering the ages. of
the pupils.
The State Upper Real-School of Pesth was also reprasented by
very thorough and appropriate specimens ; the specimens of mod-
elling of both the royal institutions of Pesth were likewise quite
Among the other schools of the country, the achievements of the
Upper Real-School of Pressburg appeared to greatest advantage.
The Real-Schools of Kaschau and of Gran are taught according to
a good System, although a want of good Originals is still notiee-
able in the last-named Institution, as well as in most of the other
schools of the province. The same is true of most of the insti
tutions of Transylvania, of which only the Middle School at Her»-
mannstadt made a satisfactory exhibition.