41. Rüssel Sturgis, Homes in city and couniry, New York 1895
42. Day, American Country Houses of Today, Vol. l, New York 1912
43. Cram, American Country Houses of Today, Vol. 11, Nev York 1913
44. Howe, American Country Houses of Today, Vol. IH, New V'ork
45. Embury, American Country Houses of Today, Vol. IV, New York
46. Bernard Wells Close, American Country Houses of Today Small
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47. P. H. Elwood jr., American Landscape Architeclure Edited,
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48. Charles S. Keefe, Architect, The American House, New York
49. Southern Pine, Modern Homes, New Orleans
50. Southern Pine, Barns and How to Build Them, New Orleans
51. Southern Pine, Garages and How to Build Them, New Orleans
52. Southern, Pine, „The Wood of Service“, New Orleans
53. Southern Pine, A Manuel of Standard Wood Construction, New
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54. Help for the Man Who Wants tu Build A Group of Selecfed
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57. Richard M.Hurd, Principles of City Land Values, New York 1924
58. The Forest Preserves of Cook Countsy, Illinois 1921
59. Clinton H. Blake jr., The Architect’s Law Manual, New York 1914
60. Philip G. Knobloch, Good Practice in Construction with a Pre-
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61. O. Rappold, Bau der Wolkenkratzer, München 1913
62. Morgan Sash and Door Co., Building with Assugnce (Second
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63. Leon V. Solon, Polychromy Architectural and Sfructural Theory
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64. Arthur L. Guptill, Sketching and Rendering in Pencil New York
65. The Journal of the American Institute of Architects, New' York
66. The Architectural Record, New York
67. Charles Scribner & Sons, Architecture, New York