Volltext: A classified and descriptive catalogue of the Indian department, Vienna Universal Exhibition 1873

Madras Committee. 
Collection of personal Ornaments used among the 
Khond tribes in Gumsoor and Chinna Kimidi Ma- 
liahs of Ganjam, eonsisting of :— 
Brass bangles, for hands (10). 
Brass leg Ornaments (6). 
Brass finger rings (8). 
Brass ear-rings (20). 
Brass nose-rings (2). 
Brass beads. 
Brass leaf. 
Brass comb. 
Straw beads. 
“ Salagram ” necklaee. From Hassam. Ob- 
tained through Capt. J. S. F. Mackenzie, who sends 
the following note:— 
Salagram.—A stone, a species of Ammonite, 
common in the Gandhak river, and worshipped 
by the Vaishnavas as a type of Vishnu. Sa, 
with ; ara, a ring ; gram, multitudes.— Wilson’s 
“ There is a certain stone of high mystical yirtue, 
and for the same reason conseerated to Vishnu, 
called Salagram, in which the Hindus imagine they 
discover nine different shades emblematieal of his 
nine incarnations. It is found in the river of Casi, 
a branch of the Ganges, is very heavy, oval or circular 
in its form, and in colour it is sometimes black and 
sometimes violet. Only a small cavity appears on 
the outside, but within it is hollow and almost con- 
cave, being furnished in the interior coats above and 
below with spiral lines which terminate in a point 
towards the centre. 
“ These stones are very rare and costly; when they 
are quite blaek and represent the gracious transfor- 
mations of Vishnu, especially under that of Krishna, 
a Sanskrit name signifying black, they are inestima- 
ble ; but when they are tinged with violet and repre 
sent his angry incarnations, as under the form of a 
man-lion, or the Ramavätäras, they are of less 
“ The Salagram is piously preserved in the temples 
of the Vishnuvites, and is to them what the Lingam 
is to the Sivites. The ceremonies performed to these 
stones are nearly similar; they are equally borne 
about, as somewhat superlatively precious, in the 
purest white linen ; they are washed every morning, 
anointed with oils, perfumed, and solemnly placed 
on the altar during divine worshi]); and happy are 
those favoured devotees who can quaff the sanctified 
water in which either has been bathed.”—Maurice’s 
Indian Antiquities. 
Every Brahmin except those who wear the Lingam, 
has at least one Salagram in his house. 
Necklaces similar to the present specimen are part 
of the Ornaments which adorn the different images 
which represent Vishnu. 
Counting the stones from the one next the hook. 
No. 1 is called Seetärämti. 
No. 2, Vasudeva, 
No. 3, Vasudeva, 
No. 4, Janardana. 
No. 5, Narasimha (Man-lion). 
No. 6, Narasimha (Man-lion). 
No. 7, Narasimha (Man-lion). 
No. 8, Narasimha (Man-lion). 
No. 9, Shesha. 
No. 10, Narasimha (Man-lion). 
No. 11, Narasimha (Man-lion). 
No. 12, Matsia (fish). 
No. 13, Näräyana. 
No. 14, Shesha, 
No. 15, Shesha. 
Madras Committee. 
A set of Cuttack silver filagree Ornaments, consist- 
ing of a necklaee, brooch, and pair of bracelets. 
Gold wire chain. From Trichinopoly. 
Silver anklets. From Madras. 
Silver “ Goolab Peish ” (rose-water Sprinkler). 
Silver “ Attar dhan.” From Madras. 
A casket filled with vases for holding attars or 
perfume essences. 
Flookah (of metal) inlaid with silver and having a 
gilt“Natcha” (stem). From Boeder. 
Messrs. P. Orr and Sons, Madras. 
Bracelet of Jeypore. Enamels set in gold. 
Messrs. Alland and Co., Madras. 
Silver filagree bracelet, necklets (2), and comb 
Bouquet holder. Silver filagree. 
Bouquet holder. Tiger’s tooth, mounted in silver. 
Card basket, cigar-case, and tumbler-cover. Of 
silver filagree. 
H.FI. the First Prince of Travancore. 
Card-cases (2). Silver filagree (1), with a peacock 
on one side and an Indian lute on the other (2), with 
scrolls, flowers, &c. 
Silver bracelet. 
Silver bracelet, with Nagatali seeds. 
Silver bracelet, kalachi flower (Gloriosa superba) 
Silver bracelet, Erukku flower (Calotropis gigantea) 
Earrings (2 pairs), Erukku flower (Calotropis 
gigantea) pattern. 
Breast-pin. Pavalkai (Momordica) pattern. 
Breast-pin. Peacock pattern. 
Breast-pin. Indian lute. 
Breast-pin. Palankeen. 
Breast-pin. Bunch of cashew nuts. 
Breast-pin. Silver filagree. 
Breast-pin (2). Copper-gilt perforated arabesque. 
Hair pin. Erukku flowers. 
Hair pin. Naga image pattern. 
Lady’s riding whip. Silver and partly gilt.


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