Berar Local Committee.
370, 371. Gins (2); for cleaning cotton. Berar.
37.9a-379c. Cotton Dokras and half-pressed and
full-pressed cotton bales, from Berar.
381-446. Weeds found in the cotton fields; 60
166-217. Seed-cotton (30 samples) and cleaned cotton
(31 samples).
141-168. Cotton plants; dried and mounted; 18
Nagpore Committee.
372. “ Churka.” Cotton gin. Nagpore.
159-165. Bolls of Coconada, Dharwar, Sheegaum,
Jurree, Old Khandeish, Hingunghat, ßunnee, and
Nankin cotton plants. Preserved in spirits.
Madras Committee.
373. “Churka.” Madras.
Government of Bombay.
375. Foot-roller. Dharwar.
Used in cleaning or separating nbre from the
seed of almost all the cotton known in the Eng-
lish market as Coompta. The foot-roller is used
by a woman, who sits on the stool and rolls the
iron rod quickly backwards and forwards with
her feet on the stone. The seed-cotton is placed
in front of the rod, which catches the fibre under
it and separates it from the seed, which remains
in front.
376. Foot-roller. Indapoor, Poona Colleetorate.
Used in the Poona and Sholapoor districts for
cleaning cotton.
377- Hand “ Churka.” Dharwar.
Full size. One-handle “ churka ” for ginning
cotton. Only used in some of the Southern
parts of the Dharwar district for cleaning the
indigenous or Coompta cotton.
378. Hand “ Churka.” Khandeish.
Scale of one half. Usedthroughout Khandeish,
&c. In Malligaum, of the Nassick Colleetorate,
a one-handle or “ ex-huthee ” “ churka ” is used,
which, however, differs from the Dharwar kind
in having an iron and a wooden roller.
H. E. Sir W. R. Seymour Fitzgerald, G.C.S.I.
545. Dharwar Saw-gin ; model. Dharwar.
Used for ginning American cotton in Dhar
379. Pinjaras’ Machine. Dharwar.
Used for “ bowing ” or preparing cotton for
stuffing beds, cushions, &c., and also for making
“ hungees ” or skeins of cotton-wool for spinning
purposes. The cotton-wool prepared by this
machine is made into “ hungees ” by rolling a
portion in the hand on the thigh.
H. H.the Rao of Kutch G.C.S.I.
374. Cotton-cleaning machine. Kutch.
Yarns and Twists.
Government of Bombay.
447. Collection showing the processes and manufac-
tures of the JafEer Alli Spinning and Weaving Com
pany at Surat.
R. Hyde Cheetham, Greaves Cotton Company,
448. Specimens showing the process and manufac-
tures of the Moraijee Goculdas Spinning and
Weaving Company’s Mill at Parell.
1. Cotton-mixing; the cotton in its first
2. Cotton cleaned through the opener; Ist
3. Lap cleaned through the scutcher; 2nd
4. Web from the carding engine.
5. Sliver from the carding engine; 3rd pro
6. First sliver from drawing-frame.
7. Second sliver from drawing-frame,
8. Third sliver from drawing-frame.
9. Roller from drawing-frame.
10. Three bobbins from slubbing-frame.
11. Three bobhins from intermediate frame.
12. Two bobbins from roving-frame.
13. Six bobbins from throstle yarn finished :
No. 30’s, usually called water twist and used for
14. Cops from mule No. 20’s ; yarns.
15. Cops from mule No. 26’s; yarns.
16. Cops from mule No. 30’s; yarns.
17- Mule yarn in bundles.
18. Throtle yarn, in bundles.
19. Yarn in knots.
Government of Bombay.
471. “ Hungees ” or cotton skeins. Cotton wool
made into “hungees” by rolling between the
palms of the hands, or on the thigh. Dharwar.
472-483. Samples of yarns or native twists from
Sind, Dharwar, Khandeish, and Ahmedabad.
Colleetor of Etawah, N.W. Provinces.
484-485. Specimens of spun yarns.
486-487- Specimens of yarns. Manufactured by the
Eigin Mills Company, Cawnpore, N.W. Provinces.
Rangoon Local Committee, Burmah.
488-491. Native twists spun in the Toungoo district
and at Mingyan. Sample of European twist dyed
in the Bassein district.
Models, Photographs, ko. of Machines for
Spinning and Weaving.
Berar Local Committee.
449, 455. Implement for winding yarn, and spinning
Government of the Punjab.
450, 462, 464. Models of spinning-wheel, spindle,
and brush, from Delhi.
H.H. the Maharajah of Gwalior, G.C.S.I.
463. Model of tape-weaving machine. Gwalior.
Madras Committee.
457, 461. Spinning-wheel and model of loom, from
H. E. Sir W. R. Seymour Fitzgerald, G.C.S.I.
453, 454, 458, 460. Spinning-wheels from Dharwar,
Khandeish, and Indapoor.
No. 458. “ Rhat.” Spinning-wheel. Dharwar.
Used for spinning cotton into thread, and
for winding thread on spools for the shuttle.
Full size.