Ahmad Shah and Ahsan Shah, Ludhiana.
Rampur Chaddars (15). Embroidered andfringed.
A kind of square shawl, made from the
“Pushm” or hair of a species of goat found
north of Cashmere.
Burnouse. Embroidered. Ludhiana.
Devi Sahai and Chamba Mal, Amritsar.
Rampore Chaddars (5). With needle-worked bor-
“Choghas” (9). Gentlemen’s dressing gowns.
Lady’s dressing-gown. Embroidered.
Nanak Chand, Delhi.
Shawl and cloak. White merino, embroidered with
Table-eloth. White merino, embroidered with
coloured silk.
Oude Local Committee.
Chikan-work (5 pieces). Figured or embroidered
Caps (6). Embroidered.
Scarves (5). Embroidered.
Dopatta. Embroidered. A woman’s searf or veil.
Shawl and jacket. Embroidered.
Shoes (7 pairs). Embroidered.
Hookah cloth. Embroidered.
Bhopawur Pul Agency
Sarposh.” An embroidered table cover.
Government of Bombay.
Caps (8). Embroidered with gold, silver and silk.
By Kurrumchund Moorjmull and Chuttoomull
Moorjmull, Haidarabad, Sind.
Kinkhab “topee.” Skull cap made of gold and
silver brocade (Kinkhab). By Moolo Singhun,
of Haidarabad, Sind.
“ Pairan ” (under-shirt). Mulmul applique work.
By Moteram Ramchund, Haidarabad, Sind.
Pair of “ Sootheen ” (long loose trowsers worn by
women). Embroidered with silk. By Moteram
Ramchund, of Haidarabad, Sind.
Slippers (13 pairs). Embroidered with gold and
silver, By Kurrumchund Moorjmull and Chut
toomull Moorjmull, Haidarabad, Sind.
Doylys (7 pairs). Silk, embroidered. By Kurrum
chund Moorjmull and Chuttoomull Moorjmull,
Haidarabad, Sind.
Cushion eovers and cosy covers (16 pairs). Em
broidered with gold, silver, and silk, by Messrs.
Kurrumchund Moorjmull and Chuttoomull
Moorjmull, and Moolchund Mengraj, of Haida
rabad, Sind.
Table-cloths (4). Embroidered with gold, silver, and
silk. By Messrs. Kurrumchund Moorjmull and
Chuttoomull Moorjmull, of Haidarabad, Sind.
India Museum, London.
Turban pieces (4). Muslin, worked with gold.
From Ahmednuggur, Madras, and the Deccan.
Scarves, waist-eloths, and other articles of apparel
(21), of silk, muslin, and cotton variously oma-
mented with gold. From Madras, Mysore, Bom
bay, the Deccan, Sind, Central Provinces, and other
parts of India.
Floor cover. Embroidered with silk, 21 ft. X 11 ft.
6 in. From Cashmere.
Carpet. Velvet embroiderrd with gold and silver,
10 ft. 9 in. X 10 ft. 8 in. From Hyderabad, the
Carpets (2). Embroidered velvet. From Benares
and Madras.
Awnings (2). “ Shameanah.” Velvet, embroidered
and fringed with gold and silver. From Benares
and Moorshedabad.
Saddle-cloths (2). Velvet, embroidered with gold,
and gold and silver brocade. From Benares.
Cashmere quilt. Embroidered with silk. Cashmere.
“ Doprettos ” (3). Scarves worn by women. Em
broidered with gold and silver. From the N.W.
Provinces. (From the London Exhibition of 1872.)
Honourable R. Bourke.
Caps (2). Embroidered with gold.
Cashmere dressing gown. Embroidered.
Dressing gown. Silk, thickly embroidered with gold.
White cashmere skirts. Embroidered with gold.
Cashmere scarves (5). Embroidered with gold.
Muslin scarves (3). Gold embroidered.
Cashmere quilts (2). Wadded and embroidered.
Saddle and saddle cover. Green velvet embroidered
with gold ; silver stirrups.
Horse covers (5). Silk, muslin, and cloth, em
broidered with gold and silver.
Ornamental dog eart.
Sheath for knife. Velvet and gold.
Embroidered silk (4 specimens), and chains (2) of
embroidered cloth.
Farmer and Rogers, London.
Caps (40). Embroidered with silk and gold.
Embroidered scarves (50).
Shawls (4). Gold embroidered.
Embroidered Slippers (41 pairs).
Table covers (2).
Embroidered Doyleys (500).
Gold embroidered Doyleys (2 pairs).
Cushions (6 pairs). Gold embroidered.
Book covers (2). Embroidered.
“ Cozies ” (2). Embroidered.
Punjab Committee.
“ Sej band.” Multan.
The sej band is a long ccrd and tassel used
to tie down the coverlet of a native bed to the
bed posts; only used by people of rank and
Bengal Committee.
Silk “ izarband,” or girdle, with pendant Ornaments.
From Behar Town, Behar, Palna District.